Arverne: a company with a mission
From the 4th of February 2022, Arverne is a mission-driven company. The general meeting of the partners of the Arverne group voted to include a raison d’être in the company’s articles of association, broken down into objectives.
Because companies have an essential role to play at the heart of society by contributing to the common good, Arverne has decided, like 500 other French companies, to become a company with a mission, according to the provisions of the 2019 Pacte law.
While defining our uniqueness, this quality obliges us to formulate a raison d’être that reflects the commitment of the Group and its subsidiaries:
Through its unique know-how, the Arverne group unleashes the potential of geo-resources and sustainably values them for a pragmatic energy transition at the service of the prosperity of the territories.
This raison d’être thus becomes the driving force behind each of our actions, to reinforce the meaning we give to our work and our daily lives. It is supported by two Objectives that the group aims to achieve in the course of its work: 1. Act as a committed energy specialist to meet the challenges of a pragmatic energy transition. 2. Encourage a virtuous society by relying on men and women within the company and the territories. The mission committee, a monitoring body provided for by the legal provisions, will be set up in the next few months to guide Arverne towards its first audit by the Independent Third Party Organisation, 18 months after the adoption of the status of a company with a mission.
What is a “company with a mission”?
In 2019, the Pacte law modified the definition of the company in the civil code by breaking with the sole interest of the partners and specifying that “the company must be managed in its social interest, taking into consideration the social and environmental issues of its activity.” (Article 1833 of the Civil Code).
For the most committed companies, the Pact Act therefore makes it possible to adopt the status of a company with a mission by including in their articles of association a raison d’être associated with operational objectives that they intend to implement as part of their activity, with a view to social and environmental impact.
Adopting the status of a company with a mission implies an obligation of restitution, via two control bodies:
- the Mission Committee, composed of external collaborators and personalities, responsible for monitoring and evaluating the actions carried out by the company in pursuit of its mission;
- the Independent Third Party Organisation (ITPO), which is responsible for verifying, every two years, the fulfilment of the company’s statutory objectives (the first audit taking place 18 months after obtaining the status of mission company).