our commitments
“In April 2022, we made a fundamental decision that reflects our deep commitment to a more responsible future: Arverne has become a mission-driven company. This choice stems from our conviction that a company’s success is measured not only by its commercial and financial achievements, but also by its positive impact on the society and environment around it.”
Raison d'être

If Arverne wants to become a player that counts in the sector of renewables energies in France and beyond, it is first and foremost to support the development and prosperity of territories, by combining ECOLOGY AND INNOVATION.

To achieve this goal, we want to produce energy where it is intended to be consumed, with a focus on short supply chains, serving the needs of the community and the local economy. With a bias, which signs the singularity of our adventure: to go where others do not go, by drawing from the subsurface a new and renewable source of energy, opening new possibilities, as part of an energy transition for the good of all.
In order to translate this vision into concrete actions, we have chosen to commit ourselves by becoming a “mission-driven company”, according to the Pacte law. We have formulated this mission in a few lines, which signify Arverne’s justification for existence:
Through its unique know-how, the Arverne group unleashes the potential of geo-resources and sustainably values them for a pragmatic energy transition at the service of the prosperity of the territories.
- Acting as a bold energy specialist to defend a pragmatic energy transition.
- Encourage a virtuous society by relying on women and men within the company and the territories.
Operational objectives
Our extra-financial commitments are based on three pillars to which Arverne Group makes concrete commitments in order to reinforce its actions: climate and the environment, the well-being of its employees and the development of the territories in which the Group operates.
Climate & environment
1. First measurement of the Group’s CO2 emissions (scopes 1, 2 and 3) by the end of 2024 following the implementation of a calculation methodology.
2. First measurement of CO2 emissions avoided thanks to our projects (scope 4) by the end of 2024 following the implementation of a calculation methodology.
3. At least 2 innovation actions within the Group to minimize our environmental impact
4. At least 4 advocacy actions in total at group level to promote the benefits of geothermal energy or geothermal lithium.
5. At least 1 action per entity to improve the quality of the employee experience
6. Train 100% of employees in the code of conduct by the end of 2024.
7. By the end of 2024, develop a structure and conditions at Group level to encourage employees who wish to do so to become involved in projects working for a more sustainable society and greater solidarity in the regions.
8. Support for at least 1 associative event in each of the Group’s main regions of operation.
9. Deployment of consultation and information initiatives with local communities, going beyond applicable regulations, for the majority of our subsurface resource production projects.
10. Encourage, for drilling sites, the professional reintegration of people who are far from employment, for example by forming a partnership with a specialized structure that supports job-seekers.
The Mission Committee
The Mission Committee challenges the Mission d’Arverne Group roadmap and ensures that our operational objectives are met. Composed of 2 external members and 2 internal members, it brings together diverse profiles with complementary expertise to create rich dialogue and enrich our thinking.
The application of Arverne Group’s “raison d’être” and the deployment of its operational objectives are detailed in the Group’s mission statement. In 2023, the Group’s achievements were assessed by an independent third-party organization. In its audit report, appended to the mission report, the organization concluded that all social and environmental objectives had been met.

Corporate Social Responsibility Policy

As part of the mission-driven company, the Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) policy defines the Group’s commitments to building sustainable, shared growth, and thus contributing to the United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).
Ethique et conformité
By becoming a mission driven company, Arverne Group has chosen to go beyond regulatory requirements. It is this same ambition that guides our professional practices and the behavior of our employees. Our Code of Conduct embodies our commitment to acting ethically, in line with our values and “raison d’être”.
A whistle-blowing system open to employees, shareholders and third parties has been set up to report any suspected breach of regulations or of Arverne Group’s code of conduct.