
Management Team

Board od Directors

Arverne Group has Société Anonyme legal status. It is listed on Euronext Paris – Euronext tech leaders Index | ticket ARVEN. It is managed by a nine-member Board of Directors, four of whom are independent, five of whom are women, and a non-voting member. Arverne Group’s Board of Directors also has a Strategy, Risks and CSR Committee, an Audit Committee and a Nominations and Remuneration Committee.

Pierre Brossollet
Pierre Brossollet

Chairman of the Board, Chairman of the Strategy, Risks and CSR Committee

Tiphaine                   Auzière
Tiphaine Auzière

Lead independent director, member of Nominations and Remuneration committee

Xavier Caïtucoli
Xavier Caïtucoli

Director, member of the Strategy, Risks and CSR Committee

Karine Charbonnier
Karine Charbonnier

Independant Director, member of the Audit committee

Bruno Gérard
Bruno Gérard

Independant Director, member of the Strategy, Risks and CSR Committee

Jérôme              Gouet
Jérôme Gouet

Permanent representative of Renault SA, director, member of the Strategy, Risks and CSR Committee

Manoelle Lepoutre
Manoelle Lepoutre

Permanent representative of Arosco, director

Colette Lewiner
Colette Lewiner

Representative of Cowin, independant Director, Chairwoman of Nominations and Remuneration committee

Françoise Malrieu
Françoise Malrieu

Independant Director, Chairwoman of Audit comittee

Karine Mérère
Karine Mérère

Representative of Ademe Investissement, director, member of the Audit committee

Fabrice Dumonteil
Fabrice Dumonteil
